Tel. and Tel. Bldg.
Telephone and Telegraph Building, Broadway and Fulton Street
Telephone and Telegraph Buildings, Broadway and Fulton Streets
Telephone & Telegraph Bldg.
St. Paul Bldg. & St. Paul's Chapel
Int'l Tel. & Tel. Bldg. Beaver & Broad Sts.
American Surety Bldg., 100 B'way
Am. Surety Bldg. & B'way.
Am. Surety Bldg., 100 B'way.
American Surety Bldg., 100 B'way.
St Paul Bldg., St. Paul Chapel & Mail & Express Bldg.
Bldg. 51 B'way
B'way & Wall St. South
Astor House Bldg, B'way & Vesey St.
Bldg., 29 B'way, cor. Morris St.
Trinity Church, B'way & Wall St.
Trinity Building B'way & Trinity Place
Wall & New Sts. to B'way
Transportation Bldg., B'way and Barclay St.