Bldg. 568 Broadway N. E. Cor. Prince St.
Croisic Building, N.W. Cor. 5th Ave. & 26th St.
Building, Broadway, N. W. Cor. of 31st St.
5th Av. and 32 St., N.W. cor.
Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church, N.W. Cor. 55 St.
Broadway & Murray St. S.W. Cor.
Building N.E. cor. of William and Cedar Sts.
Bldg. 110 Wm. St., N. E. Cor. John St.
Building S. W. Cor. 25th St. & Bway.
Sixth Ave. & 49th St. N.W.
Langdon Bldg. 305-309 Broadway N.E. cor. Duane St.
710 Madison Av. N.W. 63 St.
2781-2785 Broadway N.W. 107 St.
Broad St. 109 & 111, cor. Front St.
5th Ave & 34th St. N.W.
Cambridge Bldg. S.W. Cor. 5th Ave. & 33rd St.
U.S. Appraisers Stores, 201 Varick Street
Borrell Bldg., N.E. Cor. Madison Av. & 33rd St.
Madison Ave. & 80th Street, N.W. Cor. to 5th Ave.
Heckscher Bldg., 50 E. 42 St. Cor. Madison Av. N.Y.C.