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Ellis Island Bldgs.

Ellis Island Bldgs.

Ellis Island. New York City.

Ellis Island. New York City.

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Ellis Island

Accession number X2010.28.288 
Unique identifier M2Y9219 
Dated ca. 1915 
Physical dimensions H: 8 in, W: 10 in 
File dimensions 18.3 in × 14.5 in at 300dpi
46.5 cm × 37.0 cm at 300dpi 

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