Grand Central Depot, Park Ave & 42nd St
Grand Central Depot, 42nd St.
Grand Central Depot, 42nd St. & Vanderbilt Ave.
Ligget's Bldg., Madison Av. and 42nd St.
Grand Central Depot
42nd St. West from Park Ave.
Grand Central Depot and Commodore Hotel, New York.
[Grand Central Depot and 42nd Street.]
Grand Central R. R. Depot, 42nd Street and 4th Avenue, N. Y.
Grand Central Depot and Commodore Hotel, New York
42nd St & Madison Ave, S.E. Cor.
The New Grand Central Depot, 42nd Street, New York.
[Drawing of Grand Central Terminal at Park Avenue & 42nd St.]
Grand Central Terminal
Lincoln Building, 42nd & Madison Ave.
42nd Street Grand Central Depot - 1890 [Grand Central Station.]
Grand Central & Viaduct & El. R.R., 42nd St. & Park Ave.
Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, 32 E. 42nd St.
[Grand Central Terminal, Looking North from 42nd Street.]
Grand Central Terminal - East 42nd Street.