Victory Arch of Jewels, 5th Av. and 60th St. Mar. 25, 1919
5th Ave. & 60th St.
Jewel Arch, Fifth Ave. & 60th St., Exterior, Looking up Fifth Ave. Showing Arch.
Metropolitan Club, 5th Ave. & 60th St.
Guaranty Trust Co. Building, Madison Av. and 60th St.
Church of Paulist Fathers, Columbus Ave. & 60th St.
Victory Arch, Madison Square and 25th Street
Vanderbilt Clinic, Amsterdam Avenue & 60th St.
998 Fifth Ave. Cor. 80th St.
Fifth Ave. Hotel So. fr. 25th St.
Geo. Gould's Residence (5th Ave. 67th St.)
Apartment No. 998 Fifth Ave. N. W. Cor. 81st St.
Victory Parade, New York. Homecoming 27th Division, Passing the Jewel Arch.
Street Scenes, Clubs - Metropolitan, 1901. Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 60th St.
Eleven Forty Fifth Av.
561 Fifth Av. cor. 46 St.
Nine Hundred Ten Fifth Av., cor. 72nd St.
Eleven Sixty Fifth Av.
Victory Arch & Colonnade, Madison Square N.Y.C.