Victory Arch & Colonnade, Madison Square N.Y.C.
Victory Arch, Madison Square and 25th Street
Victory Arch and Metropolitan Life Bldg.
Washington Arch, N.Y.
[Victory arch and celebration at Madison Square.]
915 Broadway, N.Y.C.
Victory Arch, Madison Square, New York City.
Madison Square Garden N.Y.C.
Madison Square
[Victory Arch at Madison Square.]
Madison Square Garden, New York.
Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Garden, New York city.
Heckscher Bldg., 50 E. 42 St. Cor. Madison Av. N.Y.C.
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. Excavating for Pool
Swimming Pool. Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C.
The Arch of Victory, Madison Square New York.
Eighth Av. South from 34 St., N.Y.C.