Broadway and 42 St., N.E. cor.
Langdon Bldg. 305-309 Broadway N.E. cor. Duane St.
Washington Life Building, Broadway cor. Liberty St.
Building N.E. cor. of William and Cedar Sts.
N.E. corner Broadway & 8th St.
Maiden Lane and Nassau, S.E. cor.
Bldg. 568 Broadway N. E. Cor. Prince St.
413-421 Madison Av. N.E. 48 St
Building, S.E. cor., Reade and Church Sts.
Bldgs. N.E. Cor. 5th Ave & 52nd St.
Borrell Bldg., N.E. Cor. Madison Av. & 33rd St.
Eighth Ave and 57th St, N.E. corner
Liberty Street and Liberty Place [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Liberty and William Streets to Maiden Lane
Riverside Drive N.E. cor.of 90th St.
Bldg. 110 Wm. St., N. E. Cor. John St.
Building, Broadway, N. W. Cor. of 31st St.
Hotel Carlyle, N.E. cor. of Madison Av. & 76 St.
Fulton Street & Broadway
Bldg. 692 - 694 Broadway, Cor. 4th St.