[Woman kneeling before a crucifix.]
[Girl praying.]
[Woman kneeling over crucifix.]
[Jewish prayer book opened to Rosh Hashanah prayers in Hebrew and English.]
[Women praying over a crucifix.]
[Woman braiding a girl's hair as a younger girl holds a doll.]
[Woman reading to a girl.]
[Man reading to a woman.]
[Woman with young girl.]
[Woman reads as two men listen.]
[Man showing woman a book.]
Children Listening to Reading of Books - Show Opinions by their Facial Expressions [Girl in a classroom.]
[Woman feeding young girl.]
[Woman kneeling in front of a nativity scene.]
[Men praying before a statue of Madonna and Child.]
[Woman reading a palm.]
[Boy reading a newspaper as girl walks down stairs.]
[Islamic religious service.]
[Women and girl with an old woman.]