176 Broadway. Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
176 Broadway. Title Guarantee and Trust Co., general interior.
176 Broadway. Title Guarantee and Trust Co., entrance.
Banks, Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Midtown Branch
Building, Broadway, N. W. Cor. of 31st St.
R. G. Dun Building, Broadway & Reade St.
Corbin Building, Broadway & John St.
German Amer. Ins. Bldg.
Langdon Bldg. 305-309 Broadway N.E. cor. Duane St.
Washington & Bowling Green Buildings
Benenson Investing Bldg., 165 Broadway
Union Trust Co., Broadway opp. Rector St.
Title Guarantee & Trust Company [55 Liberty Street]
60 Wall St. Building
Bldg. 692 - 694 Broadway, Cor. 4th St.
Broad Exchange Bldg. 239 Broadway.
370 East 149th Street. Title Guarantee and Trust Co., exterior.