[100 West 32nd Street.]
Hotel Martinique, Broadway & 32nd Street.
Seaich Loft Bldg, 38-42 E. 32nd St.
[120 West 32nd Street.]
29 West 34 St.
Park Avenue - 32nd to 34th Sts. | [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
West 32nd Street. Cuyler Building.
120 West 32nd Street. Interior, offices
Oppenheim Collins Building, 35 W. 34th Street
Knickerbocker Bdg. B'way & 42nd St.
32nd Street and Broadway.
Chanin Building, Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street
1260 Broadway, Corner of 32nd Street.
25-27 West 32nd Street. Building.
[Southeast corner of 4th Avenue and 32nd street.]
Candler Building, 224 West 42nd St
Arsenal Bldg., 7th Ave. & 35th St.
12-14 West 32nd Street. General exterior.
[Corner of 6th Avenue and 32nd Street.]