The Famous A 1 First-Class Clipper Ship David Crockett
The Famous A 1 New-York Built Clipper Ship, Black Hawk
The New A 1 Extra Built Clipper Ship, Freeman Clark
The A 1 Extra New York Built Clipper Harvest Queen
The Splendid A 1 First-Class Extreme Clipper Ship Endeavour
Small, Popular First-Class Clipper Ship Galatea
The Superb A 1 Extra Clipper Ship, St. Joseph
The New A 1 Clipper Ship Osceola
The A 1 Out-and-Out Clipper Ship Bunker Hill
The Favorite A 1 New York Built Clipper Ship Hornet
Clipper Ship Sea King
The Celebrated A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship "Goddess"
The Popular A 1 Extreme Clipper Robin Hood
The Magnificent A 1 First Class Clipper Ship Wellfleet
The Superb A 1 Clipper, Reunion
The Small Extreme Clipper Ship Panther
The New A 1 Super Clipper Sapphire
The Splendid New A 1 Clipper Ship Zouave
The Superior A 1 Clipper Ship Franklin
The Small and Beautiful Boston-Built Clipper Ship Arracan