The Crusaders [Page in DAR TRC's black book.]
Kings Alwayz [Page in DAR TRC's black book.]
DAR Has Retired [Page and inside back cover of DAR TRC's black book.]
DAR [Page in DAR TRC's black book.]
DARIZM [Page in TRUE's black book.]
DAR Kings Arrives [Pages in TRC's piece book.]
Kinging Again... DAR TRC [Page in DAR TRC's black book.]
[Page in DAR TRC's black book.]
[Pages in DAR TRC's black book.]
[Tagged page in DAR TRC's black book.]
MACK [Page in DAR TRC's black book.]
Spray [Page in DAR TRC's black book.]
KA DR! [Page in TRC's piece book.]
[DAR TRC's black book.]