[Gordon Dooley of the Funny Dooleys in "The Century Midnight Revue".]
[Margot Ottesen in "Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic".]
[Nancy Wallace in "Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic".]
[Marjorie Cassidy in "Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic".]
[Dorothy Koffe and Olive Thomas in "Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic".]
[Virginia O'Brien as Anitza Chefcheck in "The Royal Vagabond".]
[Tessa Kosta as Anitza Chefcheck in "The Royal Vagabond".]
[Arline Chase in "Century Midnight Whirl".]
[Lois Leigh in "Midnight Revue".]
[Marjorie Hast as Regina Waterhouse in "Scandal".]
[Blanche Bates as Roxana Clayton in "Nobody's Widow".]
[Ada Mae Weeks as Miss Mary Dodge in "Listen Lester".]
[Peggy Wood as Ottillie in "Maytime".]
[Clara Joel in "Business Before Pleasure".]