Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams, Friday evening, April 18, 1856
"Diane; or, Hands Not Hearts", Tuesday evening, May 13, 1856
Tuesday evening, June 10, 1856, the grand romantic and moral drama in five acts, "The Marble Heart"
Monday and Tuesday evenings, January 26 and 27, 1663 [1863], the operatic drama in three acts, "The Pet of the Petticoats"
Mr. & Mrs. Barney Williams, in "Connie Soogah", Monday, December 5, 1864
Thursday evening, August 11, 1853, under direction of Mr. Harry Watkins, jubilee benefit of the American Dramatic Fund Association
Benefit of Mrs. Clara Jennings, never acted here, in the original three-act drama by Palgrave Simpson, "Second Love", Wednesday, March 21, 1866
"The Colleen Bawn", Tuesday, August 8, 1864
On Saturday evening, April 26, 1856, will be presented the grand romantic and moral drama in five acts, "The Marble Heart"
Miss Emma Stanley's benefit will take place this Thursday evening, July 24, on which occasion she will appear in "The Seven Ages of Woman"
Friday evening, December 4, 1863, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams in the great fairy spectacle entitled "The Lakes of Killarney; or, The Brides of Glengariff"
[Ione Burke as Moya in "The Shaughraun".]
Miss Ione Burke, as Moya, in the "Shaughraun."
Benefit of Mr. Blake. "The Game of Life" and "Who Speaks First?", Saturday evening, April 25
"The Seven Sisters", tonight and every night
Mr. Simpson's benefit, Tuesday evening, February 7, 1826. The opera of "The Slave"
Miss Laura Keene and Agnes Robertson as the Brides of Garryowen in "The Colleen Bawn; or, The Brides of Garryowen", tonight, Thursday, March 29, 1860
Thursday afternoon, May 4, 1876, farewell benefit of Mr. George Rignold
Friday evening, November 6, 1874, Mr. Lester Wallack's and Mr. Pierrepont Edwards' adaptation from Octave Feuillet's great drama, "The Romance of a Poor Young Man"