Complimentary Dinner to the Hon. C. N. Jordan, Treasurer of the United States
Complimentary Dinner to Mr. James H. Breslin, by Hotel Association of New York City
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Sheriff's Jury
New England Society in the City of New York Annual Dinner
The First Panel Sheriff's Jury Annual Dinner
The Life Insurance Association of New-York 3d Annual Dinner
Dinner tendered by the Mayor of the City of New York to the Officers of the visiting German Squadron
Dinner of the New-York Graduates of Yale University
Dinner to the Hon. James G. Blaine.
[Invitation to complimentary dinner to Charles Dickens given by the Press of the United States on April 18, 1868.]
Complimentary Dinner tendered to the General Officers and Flag Officers in the Vicinity of New York
Annual Dinner First Panel Sheriff's Jury
First Panel Sheriff's Jury
Hotel Association of New York City Eighteenth Annual Banquet
Fourth Annual Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
[Seating arrangement for the complimentary dinner to Charles Dickens given by the Press of the United States on April 18, 1868.]
Complimentary Dinner tendered to Honorable Frank Moss
Dinner in honour of Mr. Patrick Francis Murphy by Mr. George Thomson Wilson
Dinner to his Excellency Li Hung Chang Grand Secretary of State, etc., etc., etc. by the Chinese Consul and Chinese Residents of the City of New York
British Schools and Universities Club of New York King's Birthday Dinner