Uptown Platform, 91st St. Subway Station. 1315901.
Downtown Platform, 91st St. Subway Station. 1315902.
Entrance to Uptown Platform, 91st St. Sta., Bway. Subway. 1315905B.
Entrance to Uptown Platform, 91st St. Sta., Bway. Subway. 1315905A.
639 West End Ave., N.W. Corner 91st St.
10025401. Entrance to 72nd St. Station, Broadway Subway.
N.W. Cor. 77 St. and Broadway N.Y.C.
2781-2785 Broadway N.W. 107 St.
181st Sta., Broadway Subway. 11126102.
Buildings, "Eldorado" 302 Central Park West & 91st St. N.Y.
91st Street at the N.W. corner of Central Park West. General exterior.
[Riverside Drive and 91st Street.]
West 91st Street and the N.E. corner of Riverside Drive.
11 East 91st Street. Trevor Residence.
West 91st Street between Amsterdam and Broadway. Temple Israel
53 East 91st Street. Mr. Green's residence.
West 91st Street and West End Avenue. Apartment building
5th Av. and 32 St., N.W. cor.
St. Agnes Chapel [121-147 West 91st Street, between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues]
N. W. Cor. 77th St. and Broadway N.Y.C.