[Delmonico's menu for infantry regiment dinner.]
R.M.S. "Teutonic"
Mr. James Scott
The Waldorf-Astoria
[Dinner menu for an unidentified event on July 4.]
Mr. Harrington, Hotel Brevoort.
[Mr. Harrington, Hotel Brevoort.]
One hundred and twelfth Anniversary of the St. George's Society
Revista Americana de Farmacia y Medicina, New York.
Box Office Treasurers.
Seating Arrangement for the Dinner in Honor of the Italian Royal Commission to the United States of American Given by the Mayor of the City of New York
United States Mail Steamer "Arago." Bill of Fare
Annual Re-Union and Banquet of the Old Guard Association of the Twelth Regiment, N.G.N.Y.
The Terrace Café
Aux Delices Restaurant Francais