Banquet tendered by the Citizens Committee to the Hon. Richard E. Enright on his twenty-fifth Anniversary of Service to the City of New York
Testimonial Luncheon tendered to Hon. John A. Harriss, Special Deputy Police Commissioner of the City of New York
Eighteenth Anniversary Dinner of the Fifth Avenue Association
Dinner of the Lawyers Club to Commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Appointment of John Marshall as Chief Justice of the United States
[Testimonial dinner to Dr. Ernest R. Birkins.]
Testimonial Dinner to Dr. Ernest R. Birkins
Thirty-seventh Annual Dinner New York State Hotel Men's Association
Catalogue of the Art Auction Sale for the Second Red Cross War Fund
Déjeuner offert par l'Institut Français aux Etats-Unis à Monsieur André Tardieu
[French Commission reception.]
[Testimonial dinner to Mrs. Charles H. Sabin.]
Complimentary Annual Dinner Tendered by the President H. H. Vreeland to the Officers and Heads of Departments of the Metropolitan Street R'y Co.
Dinner to the Right Honourable Sir Auckland Geddes by the Lotos Club
Dinner tendered to Colonel Thomas W. Miller, Alien Property Custodian of the United States
Testimonial Dinner to Hon. Henry Morgenthau - Ambassador to Turkey
Dinner to be tendered to Colonel Thomas W. Miller, Alien Property Custodian of the United States
Seating List. Testimonial Dinner to Mrs. Charles H. Sabin
Dinner tendered to the Honourable Charles Evan Hughes
Farewell Dinner tendered to Commendatore Emanuele Grazzi Consul General of Italy
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 155th Annual Banquet