[Music program for the Engineers Club Irish dinner.]
Engineers Club Irish Dinner
[Engineers Club Irish dinner.]
The Typothetae Annual Banquet
The Public Speaking Club of America Third Annual Banquet
Survivor of the Great Century Run
Dinner to Andrew Carnegie by the Lotos Club
Nineteenth Annual Lincoln Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
The Bradford County Society of New York City Second Annual Banquet
The Public Speaking Club of America First Annual Banquet
Hand Mirror from George Gerswhin's toilet set.
Subscription Dinner Engineers' Club
Parades - St. Patricks Day. March 18, 1895/ 57th St. Looking East from Broadway.
Annual Banquet of the Engineers Club
Silver Thermometer & Barometer
New Songs of The Glee Club of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
[The Engineers Club second annual banquet.]
Annual Dinner of the Building and Finance Committee of the New York Athletic Club
The Engineers Club Fourth Annual Banquet