Banquet Tendered to His Excellency Wu Ting Fang by the Silk Association of America and the Asiatic Association
Seventeenth Annual Dinner of the American Newspaper Publishers Association
Twenty-third Annual Banquet, Hotel Association New York
Annual Dinner of the Second Panel Sheriff's Jury
20th Annual Dinner of the American Street Railway Association
Annual Dinner of the American News Company
American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Meeting
Annual Luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 131st Annual Banquet
Annual Dinner Second Panel, Sheriff's Jury
The Life Insurance Association of New-York 3d Annual Dinner
Annual Banquet of The Merchants' Association of New York
135th Annual Banquet, of the Chamber of Commerce
Sixteenth Annual Banquet of the New York City Hotel Association
The Fifth Avenue Association, Inc. Annual Dinner Table Numbers
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Sixth Annual Dinner of The New England Society in the City of Brooklyn