Dinner in honour of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.
[Dinner in honour of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.]
[Dinner in honor of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.]
To meet Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, O.M., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.
[Table card for Commander Frank Marble.]
Dinner in Honor of the Foreign Delegates to the Second Pan American Financial Congress
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Complimentary Dinner and Exercises in Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary and the Opening to Commerce of the Original Erie Canal
Dinner to the Right Honourable Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, G.C.B., O.M., D.S.O.
One hundred and Fifty-third Anniversary Dinner St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Commemorative Dinner on the Occasion of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Opening to Commerce of the Original Erie Canal
Dinner in Honour of His Excellency the Right Honourable Sir Auckland Geddes, K.C.B.
The Pilgrims of the United States Dinner in Honor of Sir Esmé Howard, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.V.O.
[Dinner to the Right Honourable Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, G.C.B., O.M., D.S.O.]
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Sheriff's Jury
Dinner in compliment to Mr. George Borgfeldt by his New York Partners and Co-workers
Committee of Arrangements
Dinner to the Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States from Canada the Honourable Vincent Massey, P.C.