Lotos Dinner to His Excellency Governor Charles E. Hughes
Dinner to Booth Tarkington by the Lotos Club
Dinner to William Wallace Walker By His Lotos Club Friends
Dinner to Herbert Hoover by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Maurice Maeterlinck by the Lotos Club
Yule-Tide at the Lotos Club
Dinner to His Excellency Jules J. Jusserand by the Lotos Club
Dinner to His Excellency Charles S. Whitman by the Lotos Club
Dinner to William Howard Taft by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Robley D. Evans by the Lotos Club
Dinner to John Purroy Mitchell by the Lotos Club
Dinner to His Excellency Alfred E. Smith by the Lotos Club
Dinner to George Ade by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Enrico Caruso by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Andrew Carnegie by the Lotos Club
Dinner to His Excellency Sir Chentung Liang Cheng by the Lotos Club
Dinner to his Excellency Count Johann H. von Bernstorff by the Lotos Club
Dinner to the Honorable Joseph H. Choate by the Lotos Club
Dinner to the Right Honourable Sir Auckland Geddes by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Robert E. Peary by to Lotos Club