Annual Dinner of the Associate Alumni of the College of the City of New York
The Public Speaking Club of America First Annual Banquet
The New York International Exposition. The World's Fair Banquet
The Merchants' Association of New York Annual Banquet
Annual Banquet of The Merchants' Association of New York
Eleventh Annual Banquet of the Real Estate Association of the State of New York
The Public Speaking Club of America Third Annual Banquet
Testimonial Dinner to the Hon. Ignace Jan Paderewski given by the Civic Forum, New York
The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York 130th Anniversary Dinner
Seventeenth Annual Dinner of the Dwight Alumni Association
World's Fair Banquet
The Maryland Society of New York Thirteenth Annual Banquet
Tenth Annual Dinner, the Jewelers Twenty-four Karat Club of New York City
American Paper and Pulp Association 28th Annual Banquet
149th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andew's Society of the State of New York
The Typothetae Annual Banquet
149th Anniversary Banquet of the Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Canadian Society of New York Twelfth Annual Banquet
Annual Banquet of the Canadian Society of New York
Banquet Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the New York Produce Exchange