Engineers Club Irish Dinner
[Engineers Club Irish dinner.]
Subscription Dinner Engineers' Club
[The Engineers Club dinner.]
Engineers' Club Farmers Dinner
[Engineers Club dinner.]
Nineteenth Banquet of the Celtic Club
Dinner to Andrew Carnegie by the Lotos Club
[Union Club dinner.]
Testimonial Dinner tendered by the Engineers Club to its Treasurer George E. Weed
Annual Banquet of the Engineers Club
[The Engineers Club second annual banquet.]
Dinner in honor of the Building Committee of the Union Club, given by the Governing Committee
The City Club of New York 80th Anniversary Dinner "For New York"
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York [118th anniversary dinner.]
Dinner to the Honorable Joseph H. Choate by the Lotos Club
Dinner of the Twenty-ninth Street Members of the Engineers Club Commemorative of the Opening of the First Clubhouse
[List of members and seating arrangement for the Engineers Club annual banquet.]
American Institute of Electrical Engineers Anniversary Dinner