New York State Hotel Association 34th Annual Dinner
Second Annual Dinner United Hunts Racing Association
Testimonial Dinner by Ye Goode Friends of Thomas D. Green, Esquire
Annual Dinner of the Hotel Association of New York City
Anniversary Dinner of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Dinner in honor of Chief John Kenlon in recognition of his Thirty-five Years Service in the Fire Department - New York
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Dinner to Deputy-Chief John J. Burns New York Fire Department by his friends
Dinner to the Visiting Members and Ladies of the H.M.M.B.A. by the Hotel Association of New York
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 155th Annual Banquet
Seventeenth Annual Banquet of Lieutenants' Benevolent Association. Seating List
One Hundred and Thirty-second Anniversary Dinner
Dinner tendered to the Hon. Horace H. Lurton, Justice of the United States Supreme Court, by the New York County Lawyers Association
Thirty-fifth Annual Dinner of the Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association, of the United States & Canada
Hotel Commodore New Year's Eve December 31, 1922.
Third Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
Hotel Astor, New York.
The Girl Scout Councils of Greater New York Dinner in Honor of Sir Robert and Lady Baden-Powell
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 138th Annual Banquet