Diagram of Table with Order of Seats. [Dinner given to gentlemen connected with the railway interests of this country, by Robert H. Berdell, Esq.]
Dinner Given to the Earl of Dunraven by James D. Smith
[Invitation to complimentary dinner to Charles Dickens given by the Press of the United States on April 18, 1868.]
Testimonial Dinner to John Roach, Esq.
[Seating arrangement for the complimentary dinner to Charles Dickens given by the Press of the United States on April 18, 1868.]
[Attendees of the complimentary dinner to Charles Dickens given by the Press of the United States on April 18, 1868 must submit $15 in advance.]
20th Annual Dinner of the American Street Railway Association
Dinner to the Hon. James G. Blaine.
The honor of Mr. J. E. Leeds' company is requested at a dinner in compliment to Mr. Charles Dickens
[The Periodical Publishers Association of America dinner to His Excellency Honourable Walter H. Page.]
The Fifth Avenue Association Luncheon to the Representatives of Our Allies
Annual Dinner of the American News Company
Banquet by the Chamber of Commerce in honor of the Commander and Officers of the French National Ship Isère.
Dinner to the Honorable Joseph H. Choate by the Lotos Club
Complimentary Dinner to Mr. James H. Breslin, by Hotel Association of New York City
British Schools and Universities Club of New York Victoria Day Dinner
Annual Dinner of the Second Panel Sheriff's Jury
Complimentary dinner to General Guzman Blanco tendered by Merchants of New York
Annual Dinner of the First Panel, Sheriff's Jury