The Pennsylvania Society. The Twenty-third Annual Dinner held in the City of New York
Twenty-Sixth Annual Dinner of the Pennsylvania Society
Eleventh Annual Dinner of the Pennsylvania Society Given in the City of New York
A Dinner given by the Pennsylvania Society in the City of New York
Franklin Bi-Centennial. The Pennsylvania Society Seventh Annual Dinner
Thirtieth Annual Dinner of the New York Southern Society
Psalter for the Twenty-first Annual Dinner of the Amen Corner
Amen Corner Twenty-first Annual Dinner
New England Society in the City of New York Annual Dinner
New England Society in the City of New York One hundred and sixth Annual Festival
157th Anniversary Dinner of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
157th Anniversary Dinner of Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York
Twenty-seventh Annual Lincoln Dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New York
Sixth Annual Dinner of The New England Society in the City of Brooklyn