Thirty-seventh Annual Dinner New York State Hotel Men's Association
Dinner to the Visiting Members and Ladies of the H.M.M.B.A. by the Hotel Association of New York
Testimonial Dinner to the Right Reverend William T. Manning, D.D. Bishop of New York
Anniversary Dinner of the St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York
One Hundred and Thirty-second Anniversary Dinner
Dinner in honor of His Eminence Bonaventure Cardinal Cerretti given by the Supreme Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus
Annual Dinner of the New York County Lawyers Association
Annual Dinner of the Fifth Avenue Association, Inc.
Banquet in honour of General Robert Georges Nivelle
Annual Dinner of the Fifth Avenue Association Incorporated.
Testimonial Dinner by Ye Goode Friends of Thomas D. Green, Esquire
Table Assignments, Annual Bar Dinner of the New York County Lawyers' Association
The Fifth Avenue Association, Inc. Annual Dinner Table Numbers
Dinner to the Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States from Canada the Honourable Vincent Massey, P.C.
Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association
[Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association.]
Annual Banquet of the Canadian Society of New York
Dinner tendered to the Hon. Horace H. Lurton, Justice of the United States Supreme Court, by the New York County Lawyers Association