Eighteenth Anniversary Dinner of the Fifth Avenue Association
Dinner to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the Manhattan Club
Testimonial Dinner tendered to Eli H. Bernheim
[Seating arrangement for the dinner to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the Manhattan Club.]
Dinner tendered to the Hon. Horace H. Lurton, Justice of the United States Supreme Court, by the New York County Lawyers Association
Dinner to the Justices of the Appellate Division First Department under the auspices of the New York County Lawyers Association.
Banquet tendered by the Citizens Committee to the Hon. Richard E. Enright on his twenty-fifth Anniversary of Service to the City of New York
Testimonial Luncheon tendered to Hon. John A. Harriss, Special Deputy Police Commissioner of the City of New York
Annual Dinner of the New York County Lawyers Association
Appointment issued by Richard Morris, Chief Justice of the State of New York, to Peter Jay Munro, to serve as attorney of the Supreme Court, October 2[4?], 1788
Table Assignments, Annual Bar Dinner of the New York County Lawyers' Association
Twenty-third Anniversary Dinner of the Hospital Graduates' Club
Dinner - Dance of the Canadian Club of New York