Dinner to be tendered to Colonel Thomas W. Miller, Alien Property Custodian of the United States
Seating arrangements. Dinner in honor of General Sir William Horwood, K.C.B., D.S.O.
Complimentary Dinner to the Hon. C. N. Jordan, Treasurer of the United States
Testimonial Dinner to Honorable Robert W. Bonynge, President, by the Members of the Republican Club of the City of New York
The Pilgrims of the United States Dinner In Honor of General Sir William Horwood, KC.B., D.S.O.
Testimonial Dinner tendered to Eli H. Bernheim
[Dinner In Honor of General Sir William Horwood, KC.B., D.S.O.]
Dinner in honour of Sir Michael Herbert by the Pilgrims of the United States
Testimonial Dinner tendered by the Engineers Club to its Treasurer George E. Weed
Dinner of the Twenty-ninth Street Members of the Engineers Club Commemorative of the Opening of the First Clubhouse
Reception in honour of The President of the United States
Dinner to the Right Honourable Sir Auckland Geddes by the Lotos Club
Dinner given to our fellow member the Honorable William A. Prendergast, Comptroller of the City of New York
Engineers' Club Farmers Dinner
Farewell Dinner tendered to Commendatore Emanuele Grazzi Consul General of Italy
Dinner tendered to the Hon. Horace H. Lurton, Justice of the United States Supreme Court, by the New York County Lawyers Association