Plays, "The Broken Hearts".
Popular Songs From Israel Zangwill's Play "King of the Schnorrers"
Plays, "Homeless".
Grand Street Theatre.
"Di eybige mame" ["The Eternal Mother"].
"Di eybige mame" ["The Eternal Mother".]
Plays, "The Merchant of Venice".
"Di brider Ashkenazi" ["The Brothers Ashkenazi".]
"Kreyd-tsirkl" ["The Chalk Circle".]
"Der litvisher yenki" ["The Lithuanian Yankee".]
"Mekhutonim" ["In-Laws".]
Grand Street Theatre, Advertising Jacob Adler in "The Broken Hearts"
Plays, "The Importance of Being Earnest".
Plays, "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines."
[West Broadway Looking North from the Intersection of Church and Walker Sts.]
Street Scenes, Looking South Down Park Avenue from the Northwest Corner of 61st Street.
Benefit of Mrs. D. P. Bowers in "Lady Audley's Secret", Friday, October 7, 1864 at Mrs. F. B. Conway's Park Theatre