Aqueduct Race Track [Empty race track.]
Aqueduct Race Track [People leaving the race track.]
Race Tracks: Aqueduct
Aqueduct Race Track
Aqueduct Race Track [Two women at the race track.]
Aqueduct Race Track [Man leaving the empty racetrack.]
Aqueduct race track, view of jockeys' building.
Aqueduct Race Track [Men reading newspapers at a racetrack.]
Aqueduct Race Track [Men with newspapers and racing forms at a racetrack.]
Aqueduct Race Track [Woman reading a pamphlet at a racetrack.]
11000 Rockaway Boulevard. Aqueduct race track. Grand stand
11000 Rockaway Boulevard. Aqueduct race track. Jockey's building
Aqueduct Race Track [Men reading newspapers on benches at a racetrack.]
Aqueduct Race Track [Man sitting on newspapers behind other spectators at a racetrack.]
Aqueduct Race Track [Men watching the race.]