County Jail, Raymond Street.
[Raymond Street Jail.]
Fort Greene Park.
Spanish Guns and Commandant's Residence, Navy Yard.
Junction of Flatbush Avenue and Fulton Street.
"The Abbey" in 1835 -- Fulton Avenue, Near Junction of Hudson Avenue.
Naval Prison, Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Simpson M. E. Church, Willoughby and Clermont Aves. Rev. Wm. J. Thompson, Pastor.
Old 13th Regiment Armory, Razed to Make Way for the L. I. R. R. Station.
Fort Hamilton Park Fronting the Narrows.
Fort Hamilton in Winter.
View Up Fulton Street From Borough Hall.
[Dekalb Avenue and Navy Street.]
Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian), Monroe Place and Clark Street.
Frederick Loeser & Co. Department Store, Fulton Street.
Junction, Fulton Street and Dekalb Avenue about 1850.
Lawyers' Title Insurance Company, Montague Street.
Junction of Court, Fulton and Washington Streets.
Ferry House Foot of Montague Street, 1850.
Ferry House Foot of Fulton Street, Brooklyn, in 1850.