Farm House, Prospect Park.
"Taking a Hurdle," Prospect Park.
Friends' Burying Ground -- Prospect Park
Winter Scene in Prospect Park.
Terrace Bridge and Maryland Monument, Prospect Park.
Battle at Bunker's Hill
Brooklyn in 1820 -- From Guy's Painting, Now in the Possession of the Brooklyn Institute.
Eastern Parkway from Prospect Park to Highland Park.
French Relief Troops, 1776-83.
Bedford Corners, 1777.
Battle of Bunker Hill.
Thousand Hessian prisoners brought from Trenton to Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1776.
Battle of Lexington, Mass.
American Troops at Fort Ticonderoga, 1775 - 1776 - 1777.
Corporal - 6th Penna. Bn - Irvine's Fort Ti - 29 November 1776.
Site of Fulton Ferry, 1746.
Color Sergeant - 2nd New Hampshire. - Poor's Fort Ti - 20 July 1776.
Fifer - 1st New York Regt. - McDougall's Fort. Ti - January 1776.