On the Driveway, Pelham Bay Park, New York City.
Bronx Park, New York City.
New Pelham Bay Bridge, New York City.
On the Bronx River, New York.
Bronx River and Park, New York.
[Canoeing on the Bronx River.]
Bronx River, Bronx Park, N. Y. City.
Along the Bronx River, Bronx Park, New York.
The Bronx River, Bronx Park, New York.
Bronx River Falls, Bronx Park, New York City.
The Conservatory, Bronx Park, New York.
Heine Monument, Bronx Park New York.
Monorail, City Island, New York City.
Lake in Central Park, New York City.
Botanical Garden, Bronx Park New York.
East Side. City Island, N. Y.
Riverside Park and Drive, New York.