Owl's Head, on the Shore Road.
Crescent Club Boat House, on the Shore Road.
Scene on Shore Road, from 76th St., looking North, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N. Y.
County Jail, Raymond Street.
Brooklyn Water Front, North of Wall Street Ferry.
73rd Str. and Shore Road, Bay Ridge, N. Y.
View on Shore Road, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Crescent Boat House, Shore Road, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Shore Road and the Entrance to New York Harbor, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ferry House Foot of Fulton Street, Brooklyn, in 1850.
Montague Street Hill in 1850.
Shore Road from Crescent Club, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N. Y.
NewShore Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.
New Shore Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Brooklyn, as Seen from Trinity Church, New York, in 1853.
Bliss Castle, Brooklyn, New York.
View Up Fulton Street From Borough Hall.
Shore Road Hospital and the Italian Sunken Gardens at the Shore Road Hospital.
Bliss Castle, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Flatbush Avenue. Melrose Park on Right.