Cathedral of St. John the Divine, N.Y. City.
[5th Avenue and 101st Street.]
N.Y. City. Cathedral of St. John the Divine. P.E. (in construction)
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, P.E. in construction, N.Y. City.
[William Astor's House, southwest corner of 5th Avenue and 34th Street.]
[Vanderbilt's house at 5th Avenue and 57th Street.]
[House of Rev. J. Peters, formerly J.W. Tieman, Broadway & 100th St.]
[Leake-Watts Orphan Asylum.]
[Morris House.]
Cathedral of St. John's Divine, New York City.
[House at 129 Union Square.]
[Leake and Watts Orphan Asylum.]
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York.