The Aquarium, N.Y. City.
N.Y. Aquarium
Battery Park, Aquarium & Whitehall Bldg., N.Y.
Aquarium and New York Harbor, N.Y.
Aquarium, New York
New York Aquarium, Battery Park.
Interior of the Aquarium, N.Y. City.
N.Y. Aquarium & Bay
Aquarium, Battery Park, New York.
Aquarium and Battery Park, New York
Castle Garden & Bay, N.Y.
Aquarium and Battery Park, New York City.
Aquarium and New York Harbor, N. Y.
Aquarium & New York Harbor, N. Y.
Main Floor View, New York Aquarium.
Aquarium, New York.
[The Aquarium, Battery Park.]
Fire-boat "The New Yorker", N.Y. City
[Possibly the New York Aquarium.]
[Fort Clinton (Aquarium), Battery.]