The Bowery, N. Y. City.
Union Square, looking North, N.Y. City.
Union Square, looking North, N. Y. City.
Bowery; looking North from Grand Str. New York.
Sixth Ave., North from 14th St., N. Y. City
Bowery, North from Grand St.
Broadway & 33rd Street, N.Y. City.
West St. looking North, N. Y. City.
8th Ave., 116th Street North, N. Y. City.
Battery Park, N.Y. City.
Broadway & 33rd Street, N. Y. City
Grand Central Station, N. Y. City.
Hippodrome, N. Y. City.
The Grand Circle with Columbus Monument, N. Y. City.
Bowery, North of Grand Street, New York.
[The Bowery, north from Grand Street.]
[Bowery north from Grand Street.]
The Bowery north from Grand St.