Fort Hamilton Park Fronting the Narrows.
Fort Hamilton in Winter.
Panoramic View of Brooklyn, Showing Greenpoint, Brooklyn Bridge, Navy Yard, Fort Greene Park and the Heights.
Kings Count Jail, Raymond Street.
Spanish Guns and Commandant's Residence, Navy Yard.
Naval Prison, Brooklyn Navy Yard.
"The Abbey" in 1835 -- Fulton Avenue, Near Junction of Hudson Avenue.
Simpson M. E. Church, Willoughby and Clermont Aves. Rev. Wm. J. Thompson, Pastor.
Friends' Burying Ground -- Prospect Park
Winter Scene in Prospect Park.
"Taking a Hurdle," Prospect Park.
Old 13th Regiment Armory, Razed to Make Way for the L. I. R. R. Station.
Farm House, Prospect Park.
Concourse Park, Coney Island.
[Fort Greene Park.]
Terrace Bridge and Maryland Monument, Prospect Park.
Flatbush Avenue. Melrose Park on Right.
Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn N. Y.
Prospect Park, Battle Pass -- 1776.
Junction of Flatbush Avenue and Fulton Street.