Old Bull's Head Tavern on Flatbush Avenue in 1845.
Flatbush Ave. at Linden Ave., Eagle Flatbush Branch on the Left.
Junction of Flatbush Avenue and Fulton Street.
Flatbush Water-Works.
Toll House, Flatbush, 1877.
Flatbush Avenue. Melrose Park on Right.
Site of Hooley's Opera House, Cor. Court and Remsen Sts. Present Site of Dime Savings Bank.
Old Brooklyn Theater, Post Office and Police Station, 1873 -- Present Site of Eagle Building.
Site of Fulton Ferry, 1746.
Site of Long Island Club -- 1868.
The Old Hicks Residence on Hicks Street, One of the Landmarks on the Heights.
Old 13th Regiment Armory, Razed to Make Way for the L. I. R. R. Station.
Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn's Show Street.
Ferry House, Foot of Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, in 1850.
Junction, Fulton Street and Dekalb Avenue about 1850.
Brooklyn, as Seen from Trinity Church, New York, in 1853.
"The Abbey" in 1835 -- Fulton Avenue, Near Junction of Hudson Avenue.
Boys' High School. Marcy and Putnam Avenues.
Surf Avenue, Coney Island.