Greater New York. Broadway, From the Housetops.
Greater New York. Scene on Lower Broadway.
Greater New York. Some Skyscrapers.
Greater New York. Sky-Scrapers from the River.
Greater New York. City Hall.
Greater New York. Off the Battery.
Upper Broadway, New York
Broadway looking North from Chambers Street, New York.
Greater New York. Brooklyn Bridge.
Old New York
Bowling Green, New York City
Greater New York. Riverside Drive - Grant's Tomb.
New York. Bird's-Eye View of the Southern Portion of the City.
Broadway, 1810.
Greater New York. Broad Street and Stock Exchange.
Greater New York. Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Riverside Drive.
Greater New York, Off the Battery and Aquarium.
New York. Bird's-Eye View from World Building.
Bird's Eye View from World Building.