View in Bronx Park, showing Dam, New York.
Bronx River Falls, Bronx Park, New York City.
The Bronx River, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Museum, Bronx Park, New York.
Bronx River and Park, New York.
Bronx River Falls, Bronx Park, New York.
Along the Bronx River, Bronx Park, New York.
Canoeing on the Bronx River. Bronx Park, New York City.
Bronx River, Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York.
Bronx River Falls, Bronx Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
In the Depth of Winter -- Bronx Park, New York.
Bronx Park, Bronx River
Bronx River, Bronx Park, N. Y. City.
View of bridge over Waterfalls, Bronx Park, New York.
Looking up the Bronx River, Bronx Park, N. Y.
Bronx Park, New York.
The Conservatory, Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York
View from Boat House, Bronx Park, New York, N.Y.
On the Bronx River, New York.