Church of the Incarnation;
Churches, Church of the Incarnation.
Plan of the Auditorium, Church of the Incarnation
Church of the Incarnation. Madison Avenue at Thirty - fifth Street, New York City.
Hotel Seville - New York, The Little Church Around the Corner.
The Little Church Around the Corner -- New York City
The Roosevelt New York
The Aristocrat of Avenues and its iridescent human tide
The Riverside Church, New York City
Trinity Church, New York City.
St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City.
The Lobster, Oyster and Chop House
[Looking north up Madison Avenue from 35th Street.]
Cathedral of St. John the Divine -- New York City.
Hotel Commodore, Grand Central Terminal, New York
The Park Central
The Vanderbilt Hotel New York. Park Avenue and East Thirty-Fourth Street.
Modern Towers of Babel viewed from Manhattan Bridge.