Site of Fulton Ferry, 1746.
Ferry House Foot of Fulton Street, Brooklyn, in 1850.
Fulton Ferry 1746.
Ferry House, Foot of Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, in 1850.
Ferry House Foot of Montague Street, 1850.
Brooklyn in 1820 -- From Guy's Painting, Now in the Possession of the Brooklyn Institute.
Bedford Corners, 1777.
Junction of Court, Fulton and Washington Streets.
View Up Fulton Street From Borough Hall.
Frederick Loeser & Co. Department Store, Fulton Street.
Brooklyn Water Front, North of Wall Street Ferry.
Site of Hooley's Opera House, Cor. Court and Remsen Sts. Present Site of Dime Savings Bank.
Junction, Fulton Street and Dekalb Avenue about 1850.
A. D. Matthews' Sons' Department Store, Fulton Street.
Fulton Street before "L" Road or Trolleys.
Old Brooklyn Theater, Post Office and Police Station, 1873 -- Present Site of Eagle Building.
Prospect Park, Battle Pass -- 1776.
"The Abbey" in 1835 -- Fulton Avenue, Near Junction of Hudson Avenue.
Junction of Flatbush Avenue and Fulton Street.
Fulton St., Between Lawrence and Bridge Sts., 1776. Octagon Church Believed to be First Public School in Brooklyn.