Panoramic View of Brooklyn, Showing Greenpoint, Brooklyn Bridge, Navy Yard, Fort Greene Park and the Heights.
Naval Prison, Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Spanish Guns and Commandant's Residence, Navy Yard.
View of the Heights from the Eagle Tower.
View Up Fulton Street From Borough Hall.
Junction of Court, Fulton and Washington Streets.
Shore Drive Looking North from Ninety-Second Street.
Brooklyn, as Seen from Trinity Church, New York, in 1853.
Dime Savings Bank Building, Cor. Court Street and Remsen Streets.
Site of Hooley's Opera House, Cor. Court and Remsen Sts. Present Site of Dime Savings Bank.
The Old Hicks Residence on Hicks Street, One of the Landmarks on the Heights.
Brooklyn in 1820 -- From Guy's Painting, Now in the Possession of the Brooklyn Institute.
Brooklyn Heights and New York Harbor.
[Bird's eye view looking north from Union Square.]
Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian), Monroe Place and Clark Street.
Brooklyn City Hall, from an Old Print.
Brooklyn N.E. from Temple Bar, View Towards Navy Yard.
Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Parkway. (Under Construction)
Fountain in the Old City Hall Park.
Ferry House Foot of Fulton Street, Brooklyn, in 1850.