Site of Hooley's Opera House, Cor. Court and Remsen Sts. Present Site of Dime Savings Bank.
Site of Fulton Ferry, 1746.
Beach in Front of Coney Island Park.
Old Brooklyn Theater, Post Office and Police Station, 1873 -- Present Site of Eagle Building.
Labon's Inn, 1853. Present Site of Journeay & Burnham on Flatbush Avenue.
The Old Hicks Residence on Hicks Street, One of the Landmarks on the Heights.
Entrance to Dreamland, Coney Island.
Concourse Park, Coney Island.
Montague Street Hill in 1850.
Alexander Hamilton Bronze Statue, Hamilton Club, Remsen and Clinton Streets.
Brooklyn Club, Clinton and Pierrepont Streets.
Flatbush Avenue. Melrose Park on Right.
Surf Avenue, Coney Island.
Crescent Club Boat House, on the Shore Road.
Crowd on the Coney Island Bowery.
Spanish Guns and Commandant's Residence, Navy Yard.
Ferry House Foot of Fulton Street, Brooklyn, in 1850.
Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn's Show Street.
The Vechte-Cortelyou House at Gowanus in 1699.