About the Music
"The Bohemians" New York Music Club Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Club
Le Diner Pour Les Oeuvres Charitables du Comité Des Sociétés Françaises de Secours
Musicians' Emergency Fund--7 Duchesses Crown Ball, Waldorf Hotel
Dinner on the occasion of the Laying of the Cornerstone for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Centennial Dinner of the Fifth Avenue Association Incorporated
The Banquet in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tschirky
In Honor of Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark and Iceland
Dinner to M. le Président Edouard Herriot, Député et Maire de Lyon. Guest's Seating List
Mayor William O'Dwyer and the Mayor's Committee cordially invite you to be their guest at a dinner in honour of Major General James M. Gavin
Banquet tendered to Grand Exalted Ruler Edward Leach by New York Lodge No. 1. B.P.O. Elks
Luncheon Given by the City of New York in Honor of His Excellency Alcide De Gasperi Prime Minister of Italy