[Man buying ticket to movie theater.]
[Group of men in front of theater.]
[Men walking by movie theater.]
[Woman buying movie ticket.]
[Men purchasing movie tickets.]
[Rialto Theatre box office.]
[People walking by movie theater.]
[Entrance to Coney Island funhouse.]
[Entrance to World Circus Sideshow.]
[Man selling tickets to World in Wax.]
[Entrance to ride at Coney Island amusement park.]
[Entrance to Coney Island amusement park ride.]
[Entrance to Virginia Reel roller coaster.]
[Women standing outside of theater.]
[Women standing in front of theater.]
[Cutout advertising Louise Stewart in the Gaiety Follies.]
[Man selling tickets on Coney Island midway.]
[Unidentified woman working at reception desk.]
[Newsstand at Union Square subway entrance.]
[Entrance to The Downtown Gallery and The American Folk Art Gallery.]