Bill Bertolotti's Restaurant 85 West 3rd St. Greenwich Village. May 12, 1948.
[St. John's-in-the-Village Church.]
Patchin Place. One time home of John Masefield and Theodore Dreiser.
Home of John Barrymore 132 West 4th St. 1950.
Hotel Lafayette. May, 1948.
Grace Church - Rectory - Close. July 20, 1949.
St. Mark's - In - the - Bowery
The Studios, 51 West 10th St. Sept. 14, 1947.
St. Luke's in-the-fields and boyhood home of Bret Hartt.
St. Patrick's Cathedral. June, 1951.
Washington Irving House - Irving Place & E. 17th St. 1947.
Trinity Church Broadway at Wall St. 1950.
[Mark Twain House.]
Oldest and largest Elm tree on Manhattan. 29 Washington Square West, in background , - former home Mrs. F.D.R. Sept 1, 1947.
"House of Genuis" 61 Washington Square South. June 26, 1948.
Rhinelander Mansion- a [bit of?] Washington Square North.
"The Church of the Generals" 99th St. & Ft. Hamilton Parkway July, '50
#3 Washington Square North, Aug 28, 1947.
Gay Street, Greenwich Village